Tuesday, February 6, 2018

The Food I Still Dream About

You know how sandwiches you make yourself are great and all, but you really, really love when your mom makes your sandwich? The ingredients could be exactly the same but there's just something special about someone you love making you a meal. THE COMFORT! THE JOY! THE PRIDE! THE KINDNESS! THE FULL BELLY!

In Korea, I fell in love with a kind, shy woman who ran a tiny little restaurant in town. Her specials were homecooked Korean staples that were all delicious and under $5. A dream come true really. She knew nothing in English and I only knew "hello," "thank you" and "it's delicious" in Korean. My friends and I went so often that we started calling her "Mama Yum Yum" and told everyone that would listen to stop by her place. I would stop by for dinner and we would quietly watch Korean tv together while I slurped my ramen. She would wrap up my leftovers (completely unheard of in Korean restaurants) and always smile so kindly when I left. I intentionally planned my last Korean meal to be her bibimbap with spicy broth before I left for the airport and it almost brought a tear to my eyes. (Hahahah, but seriously. It was very depressing.) 

Since I've been home I've tried to make several of her dishes and it's just not the same. #missyoumamayumyum #bibimbapbesties #southkoreatakemeaway #foodbaby

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