Monday, January 26, 2015


I had the best time at Sundance Film Festival over the weekend. PEOPLE WATCHING TO THE MAX! And all thanks to one of my favorite friends Ronald, who constantly humors my crazy. AKA: he let me sit on his bus for hours soaking in all the famous/outrageous/kind/silly and most importantly nutty people hanging out in Park City.  I secretly listened in (creeped on) some pretty primo conversations and couldn't help but sharing some gems.

OHASD (over-heard-at-sun-dance):

13 year old chica with hot pink lip gloss: OH MY GOODNESS!! This bus has heated seats!
Cute old man with handmade scarf: Um, honey, those are heated by other people's butts.

23 year old guy with a hard part and purse & said in a whisper to his friend: I brought some hand sanitizer with me because I thought we might take public transportation. It's like sharing a toilet with a complete stranger.  

A 19ishyearold girl with jeggings & in all seriousness: They should call it dark dance because it's dark in theaters. You can't even see the sun in movie theaters.

A gaggle of high school girlies: You will not believe this. Some guy added me on Facebook who is literally wearing sunglasses in every photo. EVERY SINGLE PHOTO.

In other news:
I met the technical director of the festival who has been watching sundance films since 1992 and a beautiful lady who kindly told me that everyone she had ever met from Idaho was a little, no, a lot off kilter. I think that explains it. I can blame all my weirdness on good ole ideeho.


  1. This cracked me up. Also, Ron drives a bus in Park City? Legit.

    1. Bee! You would have LOVED it! And ron drives buses up there during the winter.
